Beauty Revolution Magazine

Beauty Revolution Magazine
Available NOW! Free online issue!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

March 25, 2009


We are preparing for Beauty Revolution Spring 2009 Issue!
We cannot wait!

Go to our website to see our new cover.
Here is a brief discription of just a little that will be featured in 
Beauty Revolution's Spring 2009... enjoy! 
(And forward to all your friends on your email list)

Beauty Revolution Spring 2009 issue will cover couture wedding gowns as you have never seen them before - as seen on the cover... very fantasy featuring couture gowns from Monir Zandghorishi.

In addition the Four R's of wardrobe by four time Emmy Award nominated designer Lori Ann Robinson from Hollywood. Lori was nominated for those Emmys for her work for daytime television on the Bold and the Beautiful! Wow!

We also have Spring Fashion Tips by Fashion Forecaster and former International Fashion Director Sarah Davies. Sarah is a wealth of fantastic information for those who may be lacking in eco-fashion direction with the most fantastic tips to help us get up to date.

Have you ever wondered just WHAT makes fashion trends start? International textile guru Pat Nugent who works with some of the biggest names in fashion gives us the low down. 

An interview with Barack Obama!?! Our own Eduardo Khawam brings us along on his accidental meeting with the President of the Untied States. No - seriously!
All this and more!
FREE issue coming in April! Sign up now!